Monday, April 13, 2009


I have come to the conclusion that men never really completely mature. I think they get about 3/4 of the way there and then stop. That leaves 1/4 of their maturity level for the 10yr old boy that lives inside of them to play. Here is a great example of what I am talking about. Frog bowls in the church bowling league. Last week was their last night so the whole family goes for support. He mentions to his friends Turtle and Bear that he needs to get some practice in before the church golf league starts up in a few weeks. Turtles eyes lit up like the Griswalds house on Christmas morning. They then get a tentative plan to golf the following Tuesday (tomorrow). Well, as luck would have it we are getting a heck of a storm and its not going anywhere. I thought Turtle was going to cry. Fear not friends for the boys prevailed. He calls Frog on his cell phone with an idea. Frog missed the call and called Turtle back. Turtle was not in a zone to receive calls so Frog left a message. I think at this point they were starting to sweat it a little. So Frog is bathing the tiny Princess when his cell phone rings. He calls out excitedly " I bet its Turtle". After he gets the princesses all squared away he jets downstairs to his phone to check. I walk into the room he is in and sure enough there was a message from Turtle. Frog hangs up the phone and says "Guess what. We are going virtual golfing!!" He then proceed to explain to me how this works as if I need to know all the details for my next virtual golf extravaganza. I humor Frog and listen to his story and assure him that I will make sure he is up in time to go pick up Turtle (the alarm clock falls into the 10yr old boy category. That is another post all in itself). Think the story ends there? Not quite. I pick up my cell phone and see that I have an email. Curious I open it up. Guess who its from? Yep Turtle emailed me to make sure Frog got his message from earlier. No joke. So now I must go so I can write Frogs name and number in the back of his jacket in case they all get separated. Ta Ta For Now!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blasted Day!

Today was a tough day. My 2 yr old does everything in her power some days to see if she can make steam come out of my ears. I really hate being so mad that all I can do is yell. Today was one of those days. How can I get so mad at a little girl I ask myself on good days. Then days like today rolls around. After attempting for an hour and finally getting her baby sister to sleep she decides to bound in my room and loudly yell that her Scooby Doo movie is over. Promptly waking up baby sis. That was just the drop in the bucket. So on the way to drop Reagan off at preschool I rocked out to Jimmy Needham and tried to calm my mind. I thought about all the ways I have changed over the past year. I thought about the old me and the new me with the realization that God is not even close to being done with me yet. Tomorrow is another day. Praise the Lord!

Monday, January 12, 2009

A peak

Here is a brief peak into my evenings. In the last 15 mins I have corral ed my naked 4 and 2 yr old back into the bathroom. Picked up my 9 mth old only to discover that she ate a sticker and promptly puked her entire dinner of sweet potatoes (yes they are bright orange) all over me and my cream colored carpet.

*Results are typical.

Back bby popular demand

Hello blogger friends. Happy New Year! So first I need to say that my good intentions of posting everyday was just that. Good intentions. Those of you who are mothers to small children were probably cackling and pointing at your monitor when you read that I THOUGHT I was going to post daily. Yeah right. At any rate I will certainly post as often as I can to keep you entertained. Hey if my tiny baby sister (she's really 19 but who's counting?) can blog and be a full time student then I can surely take a minute or ten out of my day to post. I do read other blogs though. Check out my list of good reads to the side. These ladies are goooood!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


So I missed posting a message yesterday but that is allowed 'cause it was my birthday. I love my birthday. Its my very favorite day of the year. I am one of those gals that will be wheeled out to my cake on my 80th birthday and still insist on making a wish and blowing out my candles even though I lost my teeth some years before. I do not fear growing old. I am enjoying the journey that the Lord has set me on. No need to fret over things I can not control or regret things that I can not change. So to catch up I am going to list two things that I am thankful for.

First I am thankful for birthdays. For those of us who happen to like ourselves it is a great excuse to make the day all about you. My advice is to milk it for all its worth.

Secondly I am thankful for a husband who is willing to step up to the plate and take care of the kids. Not only does my husband do this, he also understands my affection for December 3rd and allows me to indulge without complaining. You see, here is a secret that I didnt want to tell you all. My frog is really a prince.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Sickies

So I had the stomach virus today. I have been lucky these past years with little kids to only get it a handful of times. Still, its no fun. BUT, it does lead me to what I am thankful for today.

Today, December 02, 2008 I am thankful that I had the stomach flu and it is gone. Soon by body will be back to normal and life will go on. There are many people in the world who do not have the luxury of feeling better. Thank you God my Father for healing me today.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Grateful Heart

Hello friends new and old. It has been many months since my last post. Life in the form of three tiny faces and one burly man has taken much of my time. I was sitting here tonight reading some emails and devotions. I was prompted to start making a daily list of thing that I am thankful for. Tidings of my thankful heart you could say. I started to write these things down on paper but instead logged on to my trusty blog (even after 6 months its still here!) to share my thanksgivings with those who choose to read them. So for the rest of December I am going to challenge myself to list at least one thing in my life that I am thankful for. Here goes nothing:

Today, December 1, 2008 I am thankful for my children's voices. In between a day full of "She hit me" or "MOM", screaming and crying, or my favorite line from the potty "Mom, I'm done!" are just enough giggles and tiny "I love you's" to make it all worth while.